Thursday, October 18, 2007

Tips On Preventing Wildfire Damage

While a house fire may be one of the most preventable disasters to happen to a home, a wildfire can be one of the least preventable on a small scale. Prevention of wildfires requires that a large number of people do what they can to make sure that the wildfires that do start are not manmade, but this awareness is only just now starting to catch on. When the fire is creeping toward your home, you are not likely to care what caused it, only what you can do to slow it down and in fact, there are a few different things that you can do to minimize the damage.

You may enjoy living in a more rural area, but you are at a disadvantage when it comes to wildfires because this is where they begin. One of the bad things about living in a rural area is that fire departments are not as prevalent, so the response to your home may not be as quick as you need it to be.

If you are contemplating having a home built for you, have it made of fire-resistant materials. Houses with an exterior made of brick, stone, or even metal will resist catching on fire much more than those that have exteriors made of wood or vinyl siding.

The most important exterior surface of your home is the roof. This is the largest surface area on the exterior of your home and it should be made of fire-resistant materials instead of the traditional wooden or oil-based shingles. Everyone knows that oil catches on fire very easily, so if you live in an area that is prone to wildfires, you may want to have another roofing material put on your home. Something else to do with your roof if a wildfire is nearby is to wet it down with the garden hose. This will give a little extra protection against the firebrands that are being carried in the air by the wind. Wetting the exterior walls of the house and wood decks is also a very good idea.

Do not allow any dead vegetation to build up in the yard. This includes grass cuttings, sticks, dead plants, and leaves. If a wildfire starts before you have a chance to get these dead organic materials cleaned up, all you can do is soak them and the rest of the yard with water via the hose and hope for the best.

Trees should also not be located close to the house, especially if the branches hang over the roof.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Orlando water damage restoration companies and
Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

Salvaging Watery Electronics

People say that electronic devices are sensitive to water and water damage, but this is only half true. Most people are almost certain that if they drop an electronic device into water or spill water on one that it is pretty much toast. What they do not typically understand is the fact that it is not the water alone that does the damage to the device, but it is the electricity running through it that causes the device to become unusable. In effect, the water acts as a conductor for electricity and fries the item’s circuit board and does away with most, if not all programming that it had before.

The key to saving most electronic devices from water damage and from essentially frying the circuit board is to remove it from the source of water and remove the electric current from it as quickly as possible. This means removing the battery or the A/C adapter immediately and turning the device over to allow the water to drain out of any openings that may exist in it. Cell phones are often fairly air and water tight, but this does not mean that water cannot get into them. Remove it from the liquid in under 20 seconds and you have a pretty good shot of saving it. If you leave it in much longer, the water will eventually seep inside past the keypad and onto the circuit board inside. This might not be a big problem if your phone happens to be off at the time that you drop it in the liquid, but unfortunately, most of these incidents occur when the phone is powered on and you are talking on it.

Whatever device you happen to drop into a liquid, if possible, you should place it in a bowl of uncooked rice. It should be left there overnight or even longer until you are sure that it is completely free of moisture on the inside. Do not attempt to power on your phone or re-insert the battery before all moisture is gone. All moisture must be gone from the device to be certain that it will be fine.

Devices that are dropped into muddy or sandy water can be complicated to clean, because of the grit and dirt that can get inside. This could involve completely taking apart the phone and using alcohol to clean it. Never use water to clean anything on a cell phone, whether it is on the inside or outside.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Miami water damage restoration companies and
mold remediation companies across the united states.

Water Damage Prevention Tips

The kitchen and the bathroom are two of the most important rooms in your home and if you are conscious about what makes a home valuable, then you probably understand that these are also the two rooms that can add to or subtract from your home’s value the most easily. The conditions of the bathroom and kitchen are extremely important when you go to sell your home. These two rooms are often what make or break the sale of a home. When selling a commercial building, the kitchen is typically not a factor because most do not have them and even though all commercial buildings have bathrooms of some kind, the bathroom does not usually affect the sale. The presence of a bathroom is usually enough in these buildings.

You should do whatever you can to maintain the structural integrity of these two rooms even if you do not plan on selling your home. An unfortunate event may occur and you may have to sell your home to pay for it; in life, not much is ever certain.

How do you prevent water damage to these two rooms? Keep an eye on the plumbing in both rooms, for one. Under the sinks are pipes that can sometimes begin to leak or burst completely and sometimes the vinyl on our kitchen floor or the tile on our bathroom floor is not sealed completely. This allows water underneath and will soak your floor boards. Mold can start to grow as a result of this.

The overflowing of bath tubs and kitchen sinks is also a mildly common occurrence. Maybe you forgot the water was running or you just got pre-occupied talking on the phone, but the fact is that you can leave yourself in a mess pretty quickly. Clean up the water as quickly as you can.

Install a steam vent or fan in the kitchen and bathroom if possible. This will let the steam that comes from cooking dinner or taking a bath escape the room and not cling to your ceiling. Drywall absorbs water quite well and unfortunately, mold also will start to grow on your ceiling if this steam damage continues. Installing a vent in the ceiling will possibly be one of the best investments that you can make for both of these rooms.

Also keep a check on the water line that connects to the ice maker in your refrigerator, if you have one. Water leaks from these are not uncommon and ice that melts due to a power outage can also cause water damage, especially if you are not home to take care of the spill.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Mold Remediation and
water damage restoration> companies across the united states.

What You Should Know About Stachybotrys Mold

Most of us have heard the term “toxic black mold” on the news or other television program, but what exactly does this mean? Well, the famous mold that is usually referred to as “toxic black mold” the most often is Stachybotrys chartarum and some people who are familiar with it, particularly mycobiologists, tend to refer to it as simply “stachy”. The media has had a fair field day with this kind of mold the past few years and it has been one of the reasons for the renewed concern for mold dangers in the civilized world. Some people may not realize that mold growing in your home or your business can be quite devastating to your health, especially if you are exposed to this for a long period of time.

This kind of mold is a very dark green color and it is also fairly slimy. Whatever you do, do not touch this mold with your bare hands or get it on your skin anywhere. If you are planning on removing it from your home, it is highly suggested that you hire a professional with the correct equipment because this mold is called “toxic” for a reason. It has been linked to sicknesses that have a similar effect on a person’s mind that Alzheimer’s Disease has and it has also been proven to kill a person’s brain cells. Dizziness and disorientation are also not uncommon in those who have been exposed for long periods of time.

Stachybotrys mold typically likes to grow on things made of cellulose, that is, dead plant materials. This can include the wood that you built your home with, papers, cardboard, and etcetera that has been piled together in an area, allowed to become significantly wet, and allowed to stay that way. This essentially opens up a mold nursery in your home and even though Stachybotrys does not require constant moisture in order to remain alive, it does like plenty of it. So, if you have any leaks in your basement or anywhere else in your home that stays wet almost constantly, you need to do anything necessary in order to stop this leakage. Because of the wetness of the Stachybotrys spores, they do not stir up and into the air that we breathe very easily; however, if this mold is let to dry out, these spores will enter the air and possibly our ventilation systems. Mold does not have to be alive in order to cause an allergic reaction to it.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of
Texas Water Damage Restoration and
Houston Water Damage Restoration Which are Certified IICRC Water damage and mold remediation contractors.

Your Laptop and Water Damage

Putting a laptop and a soft drink onto the same surface is almost taboo to most people who own a laptop computer, even though most people who are at their computers or laptops for several hours a day will tell you that it is quite difficult to put in a full day’s work at the computer and not eat and drink almost at the same time. I keep a drink near me at all times and fortunately I have never spilled anything onto my beloved laptop, but there are many incidents where others have. Those who have only just purchased their first laptop will probably not know how to deal with water (or liquid) damage like this. There is a way to handle this situation and possibly save your machine, however.

Most water damage that is done to your laptop is usually caused by acidic beverages like soda or coffee, because they leave a sticky residue on anything they are spilled on. They also tend to cause corrosion on any metal contacts that they might touch on the motherboard, hard drive, and etcetera.

If you do spill something on your laptop, remove the power source as quickly as possible. This includes the A/C adapter and the battery, as well, because it is not the liquid alone that causes the problem. If a laptop or other electronic device has no electricity running through it when the liquid is spilled, it will likely be fine if you dry it out as soon as possible. However, an electric current running through a wet device is what causes the circuits to essentially fry and all software programming to be removed. Let a device such as a CD player that has become submerged in water dry out completely before you attempt to power it on. Remove the batteries until you are sure. This same principle can be applied to a wet laptop.

If you have merely spilled water onto it, then you might not have a big problem on your hands as long as you removed the electrical current from the device before the water sank deep into the device. If you have spilled soda or coffee into the device, then it will leave a sticky residue on the inside of your laptop.

After removing the electrical current, turn it over and allow the excess liquid to drain out. After you to this, wipe the outside with a cloth of some kind.

After this, you can take the machine to a professional repairman to make sure the inside is undamaged or if you have only spilled water into it, you can wait until it is completely dry. If you are absolutely sure that the inside components were not damaged by the electric current, turn it back on after you are sure the inside is dry.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of
Texas Water Damage Restoration and
Houston Water Damage Restoration Which are Certified IICRC Water damage and mold remediation contractors.